Everybody Loves Dead Plants - 3.29.2006
Sometimes I'm really fucking lazy. Last Thursday I laid in bed after work watching TV... Watching Bad TV... Watching Everybody Loves Raymond. I laid in bed thinking that i was really cold and that I should probably bring in my tomato seedling or at least cover them... but I kept watching Everybody Loves Raymond. During the commercial breaks I switched to the Weather Channel or CNN. Overnight lows in the mid-thirtys in Atlanta... but I kept watching Everybody Loves Raymond. I laid in bed thinking about my poor little plants - that I raised them from seeds under a small flourecant light in the corner of my room - that I had one month's time invested in them - that I would have so many of them that I would have to give some of them away to friends and the community garden in my town... but I kept watching Everybody Loves Raymond.
First thing next morning, I jumped out of bed and peeked out the kitchen window to the garden in the back yard. No surprise - all the plants were drooped over frozen and dead.
First thing next morning, I jumped out of bed and peeked out the kitchen window to the garden in the back yard. No surprise - all the plants were drooped over frozen and dead.