Website and Blog Updates - 2.16.2006
I finally fixed my template for this blog. and things are a bit prettier now. It's been a long time coming but I finally dusted off the cobwebs and figured out how to use css a little better. Those damn boxes were fucking with me. Along the way, I found a couple of useful websites that probably everybody knows about but I have to plug anyway 'cause they helped me. One is and the other is
Also, I finally paid to host my website so my meager little webpages are up in case anybody cares. Its linked there on the left somewhere... have at it. I did change the site design a bit. I looks the same mostly but its now using css for the layout. Again, the damn boxes were fucking with me but now I got it all figured out. I removed some stuff. I removed a section I had for collaborative writing 'cause I only got a couple of people interested in it and nobody really cared about it... not even me. I removed the playlist section 'cause now I'm using I also got rid of some other stuff I wasn't updating.
That it for now. I'll be tweaking things here and there and posting here occasionally. I hope to put more content here and on the website as inspiration strikes me.
Also, I finally paid to host my website so my meager little webpages are up in case anybody cares. Its linked there on the left somewhere... have at it. I did change the site design a bit. I looks the same mostly but its now using css for the layout. Again, the damn boxes were fucking with me but now I got it all figured out. I removed some stuff. I removed a section I had for collaborative writing 'cause I only got a couple of people interested in it and nobody really cared about it... not even me. I removed the playlist section 'cause now I'm using I also got rid of some other stuff I wasn't updating.
That it for now. I'll be tweaking things here and there and posting here occasionally. I hope to put more content here and on the website as inspiration strikes me.