japaneno & vodka - 1.10.2005
I just read Nowhere Man, a book about about a man from Sarajevo moving around the world living and traveling in from Kiev, Bosnia, and Chicago and he was inspired by the big tall glasses of Vodka everybody was drinking.
Today I decided to drink a big glass of Vodka and eat a raw jalapeno at the same time. God damn, that a potent combination. Try it some time. Its a crazy fucking experience.. like a kick in the balls.
Needless to say I'm a bit drunk right now. Ugg..
I've been working on this damn Wiki and trying to figure out how to make it kick ass. I showed it to my friend but I'm so bad a graphical design that he wasn't very impressed. Well I'm going to keep working on it and see how it turns out. I really would like to create a webspace for collaborative fiction that kicks a lot off ass. Hopefully something good is on the way.
I had written a few short snippets but accidently deleted them when I was cleaning up some of my experimentation . Damn, I shouldn't have given myself root privileges on the webserver. Bad Iram.
Last week I was in Fremont neighborhood of Seattle and was strolling under a big statue of Lenin pointing foward, seemingly towards the future. He was covered in Christmas lights. I was eating at Del Taco. It was all a bit too ironic. What am I doing paying for people to cook my food. I'm perfectly capable of cooking my own tacos.
I dedicate this jalapeno to comrade V Lenin.
Today I decided to drink a big glass of Vodka and eat a raw jalapeno at the same time. God damn, that a potent combination. Try it some time. Its a crazy fucking experience.. like a kick in the balls.
Needless to say I'm a bit drunk right now. Ugg..
I've been working on this damn Wiki and trying to figure out how to make it kick ass. I showed it to my friend but I'm so bad a graphical design that he wasn't very impressed. Well I'm going to keep working on it and see how it turns out. I really would like to create a webspace for collaborative fiction that kicks a lot off ass. Hopefully something good is on the way.
I had written a few short snippets but accidently deleted them when I was cleaning up some of my experimentation . Damn, I shouldn't have given myself root privileges on the webserver. Bad Iram.
Last week I was in Fremont neighborhood of Seattle and was strolling under a big statue of Lenin pointing foward, seemingly towards the future. He was covered in Christmas lights. I was eating at Del Taco. It was all a bit too ironic. What am I doing paying for people to cook my food. I'm perfectly capable of cooking my own tacos.
I dedicate this jalapeno to comrade V Lenin.