more site updates - 12.30.2004
I've obviously have had too much time on my hands because I've been updating my website a lot lately. Mostly, I've been wanting to get my hands dirty with a little web development.
Well, I've spiced up a couple of the sections. I've made the software section dynamically updated with php and msyql. I've made it in such a way that anyone can add, or edit items. There's still some things to work out, like people can wipe out an existing item's data... and other things but I guess I shouldn't be giving out all my secrets. I'm trying to set it up as a kind of wiki, and just see where it goes.
Speaking of wikis, I've set up a pmwiki on for collaborative fiction. I haven't had too much time to write in it or finish setting it up because I've been busy with the other sections. I might try a couple of the other wiki's out there to determine which one of the many out there will suit my needs.
I think I might have already mentioned this but the playlist section has has a few upgrades as well. Again, I'm using php and mysql and a win-amp plugin called "now playing". I'm still tweaking the way it all works but it's mostly set up. I'd like to add a "playlist search" page and a "most often played"
Well, I'm heading off to the Bay Area today for New Year's celebrations... I think. I'm not too exited but my roommate wants to go so what the hell. There's worst things in the world than spending New Year's in the Bay Area.
Well, I've spiced up a couple of the sections. I've made the software section dynamically updated with php and msyql. I've made it in such a way that anyone can add, or edit items. There's still some things to work out, like people can wipe out an existing item's data... and other things but I guess I shouldn't be giving out all my secrets. I'm trying to set it up as a kind of wiki, and just see where it goes.
Speaking of wikis, I've set up a pmwiki on for collaborative fiction. I haven't had too much time to write in it or finish setting it up because I've been busy with the other sections. I might try a couple of the other wiki's out there to determine which one of the many out there will suit my needs.
I think I might have already mentioned this but the playlist section has has a few upgrades as well. Again, I'm using php and mysql and a win-amp plugin called "now playing". I'm still tweaking the way it all works but it's mostly set up. I'd like to add a "playlist search" page and a "most often played"
Well, I'm heading off to the Bay Area today for New Year's celebrations... I think. I'm not too exited but my roommate wants to go so what the hell. There's worst things in the world than spending New Year's in the Bay Area.