new site - 7.01.2004
So I finally registered a domain name and have a place to put my files and random junk up on the web for the world to see. It feels a little bit like hanging your clothes out to dry in a clothesline. Yeah, you think they are clean but maybe your neighbors or random strangers will see them as they wander by and condemn you for the brand of clothes, or your sense of style, or maybe how many holes you have in your socks. So I guess what I'm saying is that can't put out your S&M outfit out to dry on the clothesline... unless you are looking for some down and dirty action.
I started putting up some content on this site. I figure if I'm going to be paying a montly hosting fee, I should put some stuff that's useful here instead of just using the space for narcisistic purposes. So far, I've got a little software review section and a posting of my friend Tim's write-up of a long D&D game that we played. Yeah, it sounds nerdy but it was a pretty neat time playing the game and since he wrote up all the sections, I figured I'd put it up here and share it with people.
I plan on adding another section with some useful links to websites, a book review section, and possibly use some of this space as a collaborative journal where me and some friends can post some of our writing and poetry. Also, I like to create just random little webpages and maybe I'll just put up some stupid little things here and there.
I guess the other thing that I want to do here is is just learn a bit more about putting web pages together so I will probably be hand-coding all these pages and they may look a little crazy at times but hey... whatever.
I started putting up some content on this site. I figure if I'm going to be paying a montly hosting fee, I should put some stuff that's useful here instead of just using the space for narcisistic purposes. So far, I've got a little software review section and a posting of my friend Tim's write-up of a long D&D game that we played. Yeah, it sounds nerdy but it was a pretty neat time playing the game and since he wrote up all the sections, I figured I'd put it up here and share it with people.
I plan on adding another section with some useful links to websites, a book review section, and possibly use some of this space as a collaborative journal where me and some friends can post some of our writing and poetry. Also, I like to create just random little webpages and maybe I'll just put up some stupid little things here and there.
I guess the other thing that I want to do here is is just learn a bit more about putting web pages together so I will probably be hand-coding all these pages and they may look a little crazy at times but hey... whatever.