The Battle So Far - 2.28.2007
Piracy Is Liberation - 1.26.2007

Images - Images can be downloaded directly to your computer and re-purposed for your projects or just archived for your later enjoyment. Things disappear from the web often so archive the stuff you like.
Music - There are a lot of MP3's to be had on newsgroups. Use Pan (linux), Agent (win) or Grabit and make your way to the binary newsgroups.
Movies - The Pirate Bay or Mininova. Need I say more?
Slightly more questionable material - Need porn, warez, bomb diagrams? Get em' on IRC. Use Tor if you need to hide your tracks.
Pay the man at the door... go see live events.
Buy media from producers you like... if you can afford it. If you can't afford it, promote the producer in trade.
Share as much as possible. Give stuff to your friends and family. Burn CDs and DVDs and leave them in public for people to find.
Don't feed the ego monster. If the media producer is already rich, don't give them more. Rich people don't need more money.
Be a producer. Make stuff. Give it away.
Labels: tech
Us Versus Them, Part II - 1.22.2007
Us Versus Them -
United States Government Decapitates Prisoner - 1.16.2007
So that there would be no doubt about who responsible, The United States Government executed Iraqi Citizen Al Tikriti in true Guantanamo fashion. The condemned man, once a powerful Iraqi government official, clad in orange jump suit and black hood, was taken to the gallows where he was consequentially decapitated.
Several days ago, in his prime-time presedential addresses to his nation, George Bush declared that the gloves were off. On that night at the gallows, he proved it. It has become apparent that insurgent Iraqis have been dealt the death card and that the whole Iraqi nation, will become the sacrificial lambs in service to the Empire.

Several days ago, in his prime-time presedential addresses to his nation, George Bush declared that the gloves were off. On that night at the gallows, he proved it. It has become apparent that insurgent Iraqis have been dealt the death card and that the whole Iraqi nation, will become the sacrificial lambs in service to the Empire.

Labels: politics