another semi random posting - 6.06.2006
My computer has been fucked for about a month now. Dunno why... everything just seemed to break at the same time. Sound card is acting shitty. Dead hard drive. Random bios problems... ugg. I'll need a new computer soon. This one has been handy for a while but I think its time for a major upgrade. I'll prob send scavange some parts off this machine (ram and hard drives) and then gift the rest of it to somebody.
Part of the reason why the computer has been down for such a long time is that I've been waiting for the newest version of ubuntu before rebuilding it. I installed it a few days ago and its working pretty well.I still have some minor problems here and there but things are pretty good. I can hardly believe I've been running linux pretty much exlusively for almost a year now. Theres some shitty aspects to linux but I'm so happy that I no longer have to crack all my software to have a half way usable system.
Thats all for now. Yay ubuntu!!
Part of the reason why the computer has been down for such a long time is that I've been waiting for the newest version of ubuntu before rebuilding it. I installed it a few days ago and its working pretty well.I still have some minor problems here and there but things are pretty good. I can hardly believe I've been running linux pretty much exlusively for almost a year now. Theres some shitty aspects to linux but I'm so happy that I no longer have to crack all my software to have a half way usable system.
Thats all for now. Yay ubuntu!!